This one’s been burning through 5 seconds of my brain’s CPU a day. I keep thinking of what they are going to allow us to develop and what they won’t. 5 seconds is not much btw, its about 0.0057% of my day, but still, you gotta have high standards.
Here is the damn PDF telling you what you can and can’t do:
Here’s the part that pisses me off the most:
3.3.3 Without Apple’s prior written approval, an Application may not provide, unlock or enable additional features or functionality through distribution mechanisms other than the iTunes Store.
This basically bars us from providing downloadable content for sale. lets say you have a level-based games and you want to give away the game for free with additional level packs for sale (aka the console’s way of making money). The current TOS won’t let you do this.
Sure you can pack your premium content as a new game alltogether and put it on their store, I don’t mind giving Apple their 30% cut of each level I sell, but give me a way to sell it with 1-click from within my game.
I’m sure they’ll fix this asap.