Playing with Yahoo Pipes

So I was sitting this Sunday afternoon, getting pissed that there’s no easy way to monitor replies on Twitter. I talk with people there and there’s no serious built-in feature in Twitter that will notify me when people reply to me, which, other than direct messages, is exactly when I want to jump back in and continue the conversation.

I ended up taking the RSS for my updates – (requires your credentials), pulling it through Yahoo Pipes (because its able to supply my credentials to Twitter), and using the result of that pipe with Pingie (a useful free service that does RSS to SMS). Why not Yahoo Alerts? It just didn’t work…

A few tests later and I get an SMS whenever someone replies to me on Twitter.

Now, who can stop there? just what I thought.

I have this stock which is suppose to fluctuate coming Monday/Tuesday, I’d like to have something automatic notify me when that fluctuation takes place. An hour later I’m done with my first “serious” Pipe – the Stock Alert:

It was fun to write because it forced me to learn the whole Pipes thing, and I’m happy to add that to my arsenal of ‘quick and dirty’ utilities, maybe even not that dirty. The idea is to generate a new RSS item any time the alert pops, so right now it achieves that by reiwiring the date and time into both the item’s guid and its pubDate.

Open issues:

  • What happens after 1 alert is generated and sent? right now a shitload more will keep on coming. If Pipes lets you store variables between executions this could help.

I have another pipe that does a Union bewtween my Twitter replies, the stock alert and whatever I come up with next. This endgame Pipe is what gets SMS’d whenever it changes.

My concusion: Pipes is very cool and more than cool its very powerful and useful. Works great as a Sunday afternoon game.

2 thoughts on “Playing with Yahoo Pipes

  1. So i created a yahoo pipe and also wanted to channel it through pingie (google search on that is how I found you). that said, when I paste the feed into pingie, it doesn’t work.

    did you encounter this? any suggestions?

  2. pingie was problematic at the begining but i’ve been using it for 2 months now and its been working good.

    I fed it a yahoo pipes RSS and its ok. I just went it to try and look at the configuration but pingie’s control panel is very weird so I couldn’t make much of it.

    try a few more times, try a different URL, maybe it doesn’t like the pipe’s URL?