so me friends @ashafrir and @jeffpulver got me onto twitter a few weeks ago. it’s not hard to notice that everyone and his sister are using tinyurl to, well, tinyurl. the task is tedious (if you’re as lazy as i am) you really want these things to take 1-click.
10 minutes of searching and 10 minutes of hacking later, zvitz (sorta hebrew for twitt) is born. just drag it to your toolbar, and whenever you are on a page you would like to twit about, hit the bookmarklet, and you will find yourself in twitter, with your status already containing a tinyurl of the page you were looking at.
here’s the formatted source for the bookmarklet:
var z=open().document;
and here’s the PHP backend to support it:
$f = @fopen(‘’ . $_GET['url'], ‘r’) or header(“Location: sorry zvit or tinyurl not working”);
$tinyUrl = fgets($f, 8192);
You are simply too smart!
You should do the same thing for — it’s way shorter than tinyurl and has an api.
I’ve created couple of bookmarklets as well for twitter – to use and tinyurl services. They don’t require users to have any backend, so people can just drag them to their bookmark tabs and start using them.
Check them out:
The above link also contains a link to a small API I wrote for, jsonp wrapper for it. Might be something useful for you
I enjoyed reading this – very informative and useful information without a bunch of BS!