Sorta 1-way Video chat from your 6680 to a PC

Like I said, you gotta love Nokia for putting Python on the Series-60 phones.

My first mashup was to write an app that continuously pulls pictures from the phone’s camera, and sends them over to a PC for display (thanks Jurgen Scheible for great tutorial). This gives us a lame 1-way video-only ‘call/chat’ from your phone to any PC in the world.

At first I wanted to write a JAVA applet that would display the video stream, but for some reason the Java ServerSocket doesn’t return from ‘accept’, perhaps it’s not listening on the right interface, I got tired of playing with it. Here’s the source for the Java applet if you feel like making it work.

What I did was write something VERY SMALL in Python. It listens for connections, reads the JPG files from them, decodes and shows using PIL.

Here’s what it looks like on the PC:


  • A Series-60 Nokia phone with Python on it
  • A PC with Python and PIL on it
  • This PC needs to have TCP port 9134 open (configure your NAT if necessary)

That’s about it, here are the two Python scripts -> run on the PC first -> run this one on the phone

The way PIL shows images on windows is by saving aside a copy and opening it with ShellExecute!!! This means that this remains more of a mockup until I or somebody else makes the Java Applet work.

comments/changes/etc are more than welcome, email me.


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